February 20, 2025
La Emi y Vicente Griego Show

La Emi y Vicente Griego Performing Live in Santa Fe

Performing every Saturday night til the end of the year at the
Eldorado Hotel – Downtown Santa Fe, NM – Agave Restaurant & Lounge presents an evening of dining and flamenco with La Emi and Vicente Griego.

Raoul Trujillo and Vicente Griego

On a beautiful crisp autumn evening in the heart of old Santa Fe at the historic Inn of Loretto, I had the pleasure of experiencing a most enchanted evening of dining and flamenco. La Emi and Vicente Griego gave a world class performance on a stage in the center of the Luminiaria Restaurant & Patio. The audience was captivated by the rhythms of the gypsy guitar music playing and the elegant, graceful while at the same time very passionate dance movements of La Emi in her beautiful flamenco attire. The canyons of the adobe that surrounded the audience echoed the strong, soulful and passionate voice of Vicente Griego as he passionately sang the most enchanting melodies and lyrics you have ever heard. In the echoes of the music, you could hear the distant bells ringing at the St. Francis Cathedral as they blended seamlessly with the pounding music and the rhythm of the castanet’s. The dancing and music were mesmerizing and magical at the same time.

After the show I had the privilege of being granted an interview with La Emi and Vicente Griego. Before we started the interview, I was introduced to Hollywood actor, Raoul Trujillo who happened to be in the audience that night. Raoul is best known for his role in Mel Gibson’s Apocalypto. Seeing Raoul at this performance only made the night more exciting for everyone present. His presence at this show clearly demonstrates how respected and embraced La Emi and Vicente Griego in the artistic world.  These two are world class artists with deep roots from Northern New Mexico taking their Arte to a whole new level while making New Mexico proud.

Special Thanks to The Inn & Spa of Loretto and Heritage Hotels for hosting NM Universo for a Night of Flamenco with La Emi y Vicente Griego.

NM Universo proudly presents an exclusive interview with International Flamenco artists, La Emi & Vicente Griego.

Watch Exclusive Live Interview with La Emi y Vicente Griego

NM Universo exclusive interview with La Emi and Vicente Griego.
Vicente Griego singing Esta Vida Loca live.


Eldorado Hotel – Downtown Santa Fe, NM – Agave Restaurant & Lounge presents an evening of dining and flamenco with La Emi and Vicente Griego.

La Emi

$75++ Per Person
3-Course Meal | View Menu
Oct 10, 17, 24, 31, Nov 7
6:30pm Cocktails | 7:15pm Show
Purchase Tickets

Follow La Emi & Vicente Griego on Social Media

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/emmy.grimm

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/vicente.griego

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/emiarteflamenco/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vicentegriegoelcartucho/